
Future Plans

We are ambitious for the future and at the same time realistic. We are here to do as much good as we can for seriously and terminally ill children and young people all over the UK. We want to go as fast as we can but we are here for the long haul and not just the short-term. Consolidating and sustainability as well as Development will be key.

We have already worked in seven hospitals and communities and we want to do much more. Provision at the moment is primarily in Milton Keynes and in Wandsworth London, both in hospital and at home.


We will provide a substantial intervention via our  “Care in Hospital” service in St Georges Hospital, Wandsworth, London and in Milton Keynes. Around £40,000 of investment in each location. 5000 children will benefit from that. Find out more on our Services Page

We will provide a Care At Home service in Wandsworth London as a Priority (A further £40,000) supporting 2-300 children over the year. If funding permits we will do the same in Milton Keynes.


We will work with at least 3 Hospitals and their communities, ideally 4, providing around £250,000 of service provision and supporting around 11,000 children and young people. We will work on the basis of identified need.We will launch or further develop our Care At Home Service in Milton Keynes and continue the service in S London (Wandsworth).We will launch a further At Home Service linked to a further key Hospital Development.


We will add around 50% to the above provision, supporting 5-6 Hospitals and Communities substantially and investing £350-400,000 in that development. At least one of those Hospitals and Communities will be in Scotland.


It’s likely that the At Home Services will continue at similar levels for several years. We do not expect to be able to fully meet the needs in any location but to work where the need in greatest and most pressing. In Hospital Provision will vary somewhat according to need and opportunity (e.g. the beds we are providing in Milton Keynes this year will not need to be provided for again the following year, but may need to be repaired etc.)

By 2030, We want to be working with Hospitals and Communities in every region of the British isles, including Scotland, Wales and Ireland. We want to be helping at least 40,000 children and young people each year and to be working with NHS and local authorities to transform system, processes and patterns of care and treatment for our most needy children and young people.