Milton Keynes Triathlons – Short to Middle distances

Swim, Bike, Run – why do one when you can do all 3!!  Martin, our Chair of Trustees will be doing the Cowman Middle distance triathlon so come and join him and the team – any distance you like.

The Cowman is a middle distance triathlon (1.9km swim, 90km bike, 21.1km run). The Calfman is half of a middle distance (900m swim, 45km bike, 10km run) and the Stampede (introduced in 2018) is a sprint distance (750m swim, 22k bike, 5.25k run).

There will also be Aqua Bike options for all 3 distances and Relay option if you just want to do one part.

Email to get your ticket (no registration cost) and I’ll send you a technical t-shirt, link for your Just Giving donation page and I’m here for any support you need.

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Aug 04 2024


All Day

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Emberton Country Park
Olney Rd, Emberton, Olney MK46 5FJ
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